Day by Day cartoon

Thursday, April 14, 2005

When fishing boats attack!

Yesterday it was windy in Utah. A blustery day if you are a Winnie the Pooh fan but just damm windy for everybody else. But it was warm and so I had ridden the scooter to work and after work I stopped by a boat store because I wanted a swiveling cupholder for the scooter.

I parked the scooter in a full sized parking spot just outside the front door, and just a little bit downhill from a jon boat and trailer on display just one more parking space over. While I was in the store, the wind got hold of that boat, spun it 90 degrees and pointed it down the hill! The boat clipped my scooter, knocked it over and came to rest T-boned into a Ford F250 pickup's rear door!

The shop guy was just picking my scooter up when I got outside. Damages include the tailight, the left body panel, handlebar grip and mirror. The handlebars might be bent too. The shop owner has graciously agreed to pay for the repairs and it looks like about $120 for everything. I'll be ordering the parts today sometime.

And I got my cupholder!

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